New Poem: Rosemary Leaving

Rosemary Leaving Time to go? So soon it seems. Despite the decades of (un)necessary decorum and disguise,no place to hide. But there’s unfinished business!Well, there’s always businessIncomplete, undone. Those canvasesleaning against the wall,For one. And sketches in a thousand (so it seems)Notebooks, journals, scraps of paperBetween the pages.Notes to Self, undone. What you (were) meant to

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Untitled, but does it really matter?

Untitled New ArtWork Does a title really matter? I use this experimental piece and the accompanying narrative to bring more explicitly art references and other influences into the story/composition.  This multilayered, multimedia work brings a Mondrian-like scaffolding to a textured ground that is part earth-scape, part colour fields, part wall & paper debris, a conflation

Untitled, but does it really matter? Read More »