HERE will appear from time to time notes issued from Studio 307. A real and imaginal place in the virtual, where you will find special interests, musings, essays, together with images, art, quotes, and all such that is on my mind, in my heart, or plucked out of the Ether for your amusement, inspiration and pleasure.

I am an Artist – a painter mostly in abstract and expressionist styles but not always, at times I venture outside the usual borders.

Scholar – broadly speaking, I read – fiction and non-fiction – and contemplate, reflect, muse about it all, which often leads to writing, hence…

I am a Writer of essays, poems, fiction pieces and fragments.

In addition, I guide others to find their own delight in living consciously for their unique purposes, play and perfections. For a personal consultation contact me.

In one or all these modes of existence I’ll post offerings for your own contemplation, reflection and delight.

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Recent Posts

The Poetic Reconstruction of Reality: Insights from Gabriel García Márquez

Introduction In the rich tapestry of Latin American literature, Gabriel García Márquez’s “100 Years of Solitude” stands as a towering work, weaving together reality and …

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The Shining Through

The pale light of yesterday is the illusion to be dispelled. The shining through illuminating all is not a diurnal time sense. That incandescent transparency ...
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Alone Together at Café Café

Alone Together at Café Café  There is music playing everywhere. A young couple, alone together at Café Café Prague discuss their living arrangements. Plan next ...
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Daily Notes 001 (February 17, 2024)

These daily notes (maybe not so daily, however) are as much notes-to-self as the usual blogging (ad)venture, random shout-outs, or serious revelations. More like reminders ...
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MetaWhimsical Fragments & other poetical ditties

Hey Chaze, don’t you know… There are dimples in your perception, Doubts and ditties too profound to mess with. Take cover in the undertow, my ...
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Metawhimsical Variations: An Introduction

“Welcome to ‘Metawhimsical Variations,’ a collection of poems and commentary that explores the intersections of the serious and the fantastical, the weighty and the lighthearted. ...
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