
From Infinitive to Conditional to Subjunctive and Beyond

A digression that could become an obsession or maybe another lesson in poetic expression   Marguarite Duras was known to have said, “To write is to try to find out what we would write if we wrote,” which Irene Vallejo, in her book Papyrus, notes is to move from the infinitive to the conditional and […]

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Alone Together at Café Café

Alone Together at Café Café  There is music playing everywhere. A young couple, alone together at Café Café Prague discuss their living arrangements. Plan next departures with built-in rendezvous points, all the while dreaming alternate lines of flight they never speak about. An author of some renown scribbles notes as she listens to the conversations

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Prolegomina to a new blog series

I promised myself a new blog posting, a series actually, tied together (however loosely) by some kind of thematic frame. Given my semi-disciplined mind, this endeavour does require a structure, a frame to contain the chaos, focus the irrruptions, gather the threads into some manner of a weave. However, not a frame story, not a

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