A gesture is frequently how a new work of art begins.
A mark, a line, or a swirl of paint from a brush or squeeze bottle. Where it goes from there is the “infinite”, the play of intuition, the ‘permission’ of the muses to reach into the infinite for a token of their magic.
In this work, I used palette knives to layer on colour – rusty red, tangerine orange, blues and greens: first layer. The dollups of deep phthalo blue mixed with black followed, constituting another kind of gesture. That could have been it, but as I contemplated the outcome, no sign (or sigh) of satisfaction arose in me. So, I put it away for another day.
This happens quite regularly, and I’ve learned to be patient. When the infinite beckoned once again, a kind of whisper on this occasion, I followed through and layered on sheets of titanium white with a wide palette knife. Then after letting it dry removed some of the white to allow portions of the coloured layers to show through.
Now, I felt that sense of satisfaction, and some relief. This one was complete.
Visit my website for more details.